Bursary Fund Report Form

Bursary Fund Report Form

Bursary Fund Report Form


This application will take about 1 hour to complete. 

There is no way to save this form online and finish it later.


12. Identify the number of participants from each professional level who attended this professional development. 

14. How many of the participants self-declared as First Nations, Métis or Inuit?

17. Provide the feedback from participants for the question below:

The ECE Professional Development Bursary Program subsidized **** (insert the costs that were subsidized, i.e. registration, transportation, accommodation etc. )  for this event. In what ways did these reduced rates make a difference for you in this learning experience?

22. Event Expenses: 

Please upload a file that shows how Bursary funds were used and the final balance.  If Bursary funds were used to reduce registration fees, please describe the full cost of the registration fee and the amount that was supplemented by the Bursary funds.

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