Bursary Fund – Agency Application Bursary Fund - Agency Application Bursary Fund - Agency Application There is no way to save this form and finish it later. Need Help? Contact Us Before you begin you will need know: Your agency’s Charity Registration Number (A charity registration number is 15-digit program account number assigned to a charity by the Canada Revenue Agency). The format of training you will offer (community of practice, conference, course, retreat, institute, workshop) A list of anticipated costs for this professional development A. Contact Information (* Indicates Required Field)Agency NameAgency Mailing AddressAddressCityPostal CodeFirst NameLast NameYour Contact Phone NumberYour Agency PositionPreviousNextB. Requirements for FundingNon-Profit Charity Status To be eligible for bursary funds: Your agency must be a non-profit organization that provides professional development for child care professionals. Your agency must be a qualified donee with a Charity Registration Number. 1. Charity Registration NumberIf you are another non-profit agency that provides professional development for child care professionals but you do not have a Charity Registration Number, check this box. My agency/group does not have a charity registration number.Demographic Information The Bursary Fund Program is mandated to collect information that shows who benefited from the Bursary’s financial support. If approved for Bursary Funding, you are required to collect and report the following information from participants who participated in the training: Postal codes of all participants Indigenous status (First Nations, Métis or Inuit) of all participants Professional Designation (ECE, ECEA, School Age, LNR, RNLRs, or any other professional designation) of all participants Francophone (any participant whose first language is French) participants This information is typically collected at the time individuals register for the training. Will you collect and report on the demographic information required by the Bursary Fund Program as described above? Yes I have questionsPlease state your questionPreviousNextC. Evaluation (Click here to view report form)1. Will you participate in an evaluation process that will include a brief online report and/or meetings with the Bursary Team? Yes Have questionsPlease state your questionPreviousNextD. Professional Development Plan1. What is the topic or subject area of this professional learning experience?2. How is this professional learning experience guided and informed by concepts in the Early Learning Framework, First Peoples Principles of Learning, and/or the Métis Early Learning Framework?3. What is the type of professional development you plan on offering? Conference Workshop Community of Practice Other: Please describe below4. What will be the format of this professional learning experience? Face-to-face Online A blend of both face-to-face and online I'm not sure5. When do you plan to offer this professional learning experience? Provide dates below:6. Briefly describe the plan and purpose of this professional learning experience. Need help with the description? State your questions below. 7. What are the success outcomes you are aiming for with this professional learning experience?A key objective of this Bursary Fund is to build capacity among child care professionals. This is interpreted as “building the potential for a person to experience, demonstrate or perform a competency/expression or understanding.” 8. How do you predict these bursary funds help to build professional capacity with your participants?To measure how the bursary funds impacted participants you will be asked to include this question (which may be customized to suit your context) on the post-event survey. The ECE Professional Development Bursary Program subsidized **** (insert the costs that were subsidized, i.e. registration, transportation, accommodation etc. ) for this event. In what ways did these reduced rates make a difference for you in this learning experience?9. Will you include this question (or a suitable customized version of this question) on your post-event survey and provide the answers in the Bursary Report? Yes I have questionsPlease state your question10. Specific feedback from participants is very important to this Bursary Fund Project. Will you share pertinent comments/feedback/quotes from participants? Yes Not sure11. Will you be collaborating with other agencies or communities? Yes, please describe below No No, but if we would like to collaborate with other agencies/communities. Please describe your intentions or questions below.12. How will you extend your reach to other communities such as First Nations, Métis and/or Inuit communities to invite them to participate in this professional development? Not sure? Share your questions below.13. How will you reach out to child care professionals in rural and remote areas to participate in this professional development? Not sure? Share your questions below. 14. How many people do you anticipate will attend this professional development experience?15. Will your agency provide a certificate for professional development hours obtained by participants? Yes NoPreviousNextE. Anticipated Costs1. Describe your agency’s plans for using Bursary Funds. Consider costs such as reducing registration, subsidizing travel expenses, accommodation, learning resources, speaker fees, facility rental, and/or catering. If Bursary funds are requested to reduce registration fees, please describe the full cost of the registration fee in the Description field and the amount supplemented by the Bursary funds in the Cost field. DescriptionCost ($)DescriptionCost ($)DescriptionCost ($)DescriptionCost ($)DescriptionCost ($)DescriptionCost ($)DescriptionCost ($)TOTAL COSTSTotal Cost ($)2. Describe other funding or any other revenue you expect to obtain in order to also further reduce the costs to participants.RevenueAmount ($)RevenueAmount ($)RevenueAmount ($)RevenueAmount ($)TOTAL REVENUETotal Revenue ($)TOTAL FUND REQUEST ($)Is there any more information you would like to provide or questions you may have?Please enter your work email addressPlease confirm your email addressHow would you rate your experience in filling in this form? Previous Submit Form